December 22, 2024
The authorized web site of Lee Geistlinger - beware of any imitations!
Web Portfolio - Visible
Some links that show what I've done on the web:
Links to my "hidden" web work are here.
NOTE: Links open in a new window.
- Family Video's Store Locator: Built company's Zip Code locator. Perl screen-scraping (to get zip code lat/long), Google Maps API and Haversine formula. Launched 4/2008. Stealth project to help incorporate geo-location parameters into used (by Family Video stores) fulfillment.
- Top Ten Lists: Top Ten Lists of all sorts. Design, code, photography, content all mine. Generated (static) HTML front end; PHP/mySql back end.
- Photo Gallery: My online photo gallery. Code/design/photography all mine. Perl CGI and flat file front end; back end PHP/mySql with calls to ImageMagick.
- My Blog: I've been blogging for more than a decade. Ported over from to a WordPress install on my own server (that was fun!). WordPress front end heavily modified.