February 22, 2025
The authorized web site of Lee Geistlinger - beware of any imitations!
Author Info
203 authors found - click name for more info
Author | # of Quotes | Info? |
*unknown* | 7 quote(s) | |
Aristotle | 2 quote(s) | |
Beyonce | 1 quote(s) | |
El Cid | 1 quote(s) | |
Heraclitus | 1 quote(s) | |
National Lampoon | 1 quote(s) | |
Plato | 2 quote(s) | |
Adams, Ansel | 1 quote(s) | |
Adams, Scott | 2 quote(s) | |
Agee, James | 1 quote(s) | |
Allen, Woody | 1 quote(s) | |
Allison, Dorothy | 1 quote(s) | |
Anderson, Ian | 1 quote(s) | |
Aronson, Elliot | 1 quote(s) | |
Auden, W.H. | 2 quote(s) | |
Baldwin, James | 2 quote(s) | |
Barnard, John | 1 quote(s) | |
Barnes, Julian | 1 quote(s) | |
Baudrillard, Jean | 1 quote(s) | |
Bazilian, Eric | 1 quote(s) | |
Becker/Fagen, Steely Dan | 1 quote(s) | |
Beecher, Henry Ward | 2 quote(s) | |
Bellow, Saul | 3 quote(s) | ![]() |
Bergalis, Kimberly | 1 quote(s) | |
Berra, Yogi | 1 quote(s) | |
Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe, REM | 1 quote(s) | |
Bierce, Ambrose | 2 quote(s) | |
Borghese, G.A. | 1 quote(s) | |
Brecht, Bertold | 1 quote(s) | |
Brooks, Gwendolyn | 1 quote(s) | |
Browne, Jackson | 1 quote(s) | |
Burnham, Daniel | 1 quote(s) | |
Byron, George Gordon, Lord | 1 quote(s) | |
Campbell, Joseph | 1 quote(s) | |
Camus, Albert | 3 quote(s) | |
Capote, Truman | 3 quote(s) | |
Cash, Johnny | 1 quote(s) | |
Cheever, John | 1 quote(s) | |
Chesterfield, Lord (Philip Dormer Stanhope) | 1 quote(s) | |
Churchill, Sir Winston Spenser | 2 quote(s) | |
Clarke, Arthur | 1 quote(s) | |
Coover, Robert | 1 quote(s) | |
Costello, Elvis | 1 quote(s) | |
Costello, Mark | 1 quote(s) | |
cummings, e.e. | 1 quote(s) | |
Dinesen, Isak (Baroness Karen Blixen) | 3 quote(s) | |
Donald, David Herbert | 1 quote(s) | |
Donne, John | 1 quote(s) | |
Dostoevsky, Fyodor | 2 quote(s) | |
Downie, Gordon | 1 quote(s) | |
Dylan, Bob (Robert Zimmermann) | 2 quote(s) | |
Ehrenreich, Barbara | 1 quote(s) | |
Einstein, Albert | 3 quote(s) | |
Eliot, George | 1 quote(s) | |
Eliot, T.S. (Thomas Sterns) | 4 quote(s) | |
Ellis, Havelock | 1 quote(s) | |
Ellison, Ralph | 1 quote(s) | |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo | 4 quote(s) | |
Evans, Walker | 2 quote(s) | |
Faulkner, William | 1 quote(s) | |
Fitzgerald, F. Scott | 3 quote(s) | |
Fogelberg, Dan | 1 quote(s) | |
Forbert, Steve | 1 quote(s) | |
Fowler, Gene | 1 quote(s) | |
Freud, Sigmund | 2 quote(s) | |
Frost, Robert | 2 quote(s) | |
Fuller, R. Buckminster | 1 quote(s) | |
Gaffigan, Karen | 1 quote(s) | |
George, Lowell | 1 quote(s) | |
Gillmor, Dan | 1 quote(s) | |
Gilmore, John | 1 quote(s) | |
Gilmour/Manzanera, (Pink Floyd) | 1 quote(s) | |
Gleick, James | 1 quote(s) | |
Gogol, Nikolai | 1 quote(s) | |
Gorman, Amanda | 1 quote(s) | ![]() |
Gray, Sir Thomas | 1 quote(s) | |
Guthrie, Woody (Woodrow Wilson) | 1 quote(s) | |
Hamilton, Jane | 1 quote(s) | |
Hardy, G.H. | 2 quote(s) | |
Hart, Beth | 1 quote(s) | |
Hay, Colin | 1 quote(s) | |
Heimel, Cynthia | 2 quote(s) | |
Heinlein, Robert | 1 quote(s) | |
Heller, Joseph | 2 quote(s) | |
Hemingway, Ernest | 9 quote(s) | |
Hughes, Langston | 1 quote(s) | |
Huxley, Thomas H. | 1 quote(s) | |
Jagger, Mick | 1 quote(s) | |
Jobs, Steve | 1 quote(s) | |
Joseph of the Nez Perce, Chief | 1 quote(s) | |
Joyce, James | 5 quote(s) | ![]() |
Kac, Mark | 1 quote(s) | |
Kafka, Franz | 6 quote(s) | |
Kaysen, Susanna | 1 quote(s) | |
Kelly, Walt | 1 quote(s) | |
Kerouac, Jack | 1 quote(s) | |
Kidder, Tracy | 1 quote(s) | |
Kissinger, Henry | 1 quote(s) | |
Kristofersson, Kris | 1 quote(s) | |
Lamm, Robert | 1 quote(s) | |
Larder, Ring | 1 quote(s) | |
Least Heat Moon, William | 3 quote(s) | |
Lennox, Annie | 1 quote(s) | |
Lightfoot, Gordon | 1 quote(s) | |
Lynn, Loretta | 1 quote(s) | |
MacLean, Norman | 1 quote(s) | |
Mailer, Norman | 1 quote(s) | |
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia | 2 quote(s) | |
Marx, Karl | 1 quote(s) | |
Maslow, Abraham | 1 quote(s) | |
Matthiessen, Peter | 1 quote(s) | |
Maugham, William Somerset | 2 quote(s) | |
May, Rollo | 1 quote(s) | |
McDermott, Micheal | 1 quote(s) | |
McLuhan, Marshall | 1 quote(s) | |
McMurtry, James | 1 quote(s) | |
Mellancamp, John | 1 quote(s) | |
Merchant, Natalie | 2 quote(s) | |
Miller, Henry | 1 quote(s) | |
Montaigne (de), Michel Eyquem | 1 quote(s) | |
Morrill, Dan | 1 quote(s) | |
Morrison, Jim | 1 quote(s) | |
Morrison, Toni | 1 quote(s) | |
Newton, Sir Isaac | 1 quote(s) | |
Nietzsche, Friedrich | 1 quote(s) | |
Nile, Willy | 1 quote(s) | |
Nixon, Richard Millhouse | 1 quote(s) | |
O'Connor, Flannery | 1 quote(s) | |
O'Connor, Frank | 1 quote(s) | |
O'Keeffe, Georgia | 1 quote(s) | |
Ochs, Phil | 1 quote(s) | |
Olson, Kenneth | 1 quote(s) | ![]() |
Orwell, George | 2 quote(s) | |
Parker, Dorthey | 2 quote(s) | |
Parkinson, Cyril Northcote | 1 quote(s) | |
Pascal, Blaise | 1 quote(s) | |
Pe-Wu, Lu | 1 quote(s) | |
Perrry, Jr., William C. | 1 quote(s) | |
Petrakis, Harry Mark | 1 quote(s) | |
Picker, Fred | 1 quote(s) | |
Pinder, Mike | 1 quote(s) | |
Piraro, Don | 1 quote(s) | |
Pirsig, Robert | 1 quote(s) | |
Plath, Sylvia | 2 quote(s) | |
Poe, Edger Allen | 1 quote(s) | |
Previn, Dory | 1 quote(s) | |
Prine, John | 3 quote(s) | |
Python, Monty | 1 quote(s) | |
Remarque, Erich Maria | 1 quote(s) | |
Renoir, Pierre Auguste | 1 quote(s) | |
Richards, I.A. (Ivor Armstrong) | 1 quote(s) | |
Ricky, Branch | 1 quote(s) | |
Robinson, Marilynne | 2 quote(s) | |
Rogers, Will | 1 quote(s) | |
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano | 1 quote(s) | |
Roosevelt, Theodore | 1 quote(s) | |
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques | 1 quote(s) | |
Russell, Bertrand | 1 quote(s) | |
Saint-Exupery, de, Antoine | 2 quote(s) | ![]() |
Salinger, J.D. (Jerome David) | 2 quote(s) | |
Sebold, Alice | 1 quote(s) | |
Service, Robert | 1 quote(s) | |
Shakespeare, William | 6 quote(s) | |
Shaw, George Bernard | 4 quote(s) | |
Shepard, Sam | 1 quote(s) | |
Simon, Paul | 4 quote(s) | |
Slesinger, Tess | 1 quote(s) | |
Slick, Grace | 1 quote(s) | |
Smith, Patti | 1 quote(s) | |
Sontag, Susan | 1 quote(s) | |
Springsteen, Bruce | 3 quote(s) | |
Stein, Gertrude | 1 quote(s) | |
Steinbeck, John | 2 quote(s) | |
Stevens, Wallace | 2 quote(s) | |
Stewart, Rod | 1 quote(s) | |
Strand, Paul | 1 quote(s) | |
Stuart, Grace | 1 quote(s) | |
Swift, Johnathan | 1 quote(s) | |
Taylor, Peter | 1 quote(s) | |
Terkel, Studs | 1 quote(s) | |
Thomas, Dylan | 1 quote(s) | |
Thoreau, Henry David | 2 quote(s) | |
Tolstoy, Leo | 1 quote(s) | |
Townsend, Peter | 1 quote(s) | |
Trump, Donald | 1 quote(s) | |
Twain, Mark (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | 2 quote(s) | |
Tyler, Anne | 1 quote(s) | |
Updike, John | 2 quote(s) | |
Van Gogh, Vincent | 1 quote(s) | |
Vidal, Gore | 2 quote(s) | |
Voltaire, Francois | 2 quote(s) | |
von Bismark, Otto | 1 quote(s) | |
Vonnegut Jr., Kurt | 4 quote(s) | |
Wall, Larry | 1 quote(s) | ![]() |
Wallinger, Karl | 1 quote(s) | |
White, E.B. (Elwyn Brooks) | 2 quote(s) | |
Whitehead, Alfred North | 1 quote(s) | |
Whitman, Walt | 1 quote(s) | |
Williams, Robin | 1 quote(s) | ![]() |
Woolf, Virginia | 1 quote(s) | |
Yeats, William Butler | 1 quote(s) | |
Yourcenar, Marguerite | 1 quote(s) | |
Zevon, Warren | 2 quote(s) | ![]() |